The foundation will consider only requests for assistance with endangered species reproduction research; for training of guide dogs for the visually impaired; and for training of dogs to be companions for the physically challenged or for mobility restricted seniors (see SPECIAL NEEDS). The foundation will not entertain grant requests for assistance with programs of other animal related organizations such as but not limited to spay/neutering activities, to retirement facilities for race horses/dogs, zoos for general projects and to any kind of animal shelter whether it be designed for endangered species or not.
This category is for projects submitted by BSA, GSA, Boys and Girls Clubs and children's museums that are related to their mission or for improvement to their facilities and equipment, such as games, computers and renovations.
The Foundation supports institutions of higher learning (universities and colleges, both private and public) and special projects related to education. Although a limited number of grants have been made to high schools in the past, the trustees have focused their grant awards on universities and colleges of late. Examples of projects fitting this category are renovation of classrooms, digital language labs, educational equipment such as computers, desks and books, complying with requirements for the handicapped on older buildings, purchase of specialized equipment for teaching hospitals and software for libraries. Additionally, the foundation supports non-traditional providers of education for at-risk kids and after school mentoring programs. The Foundation will not fund tuition, room and board, books, etc. at any level.
The foundation supports a great variety of projects related to health issues ranging from lab supplies for teaching hospitals to multi-drug resistance research. Other examples of projects falling within this category are the need for medical related equipment, renovating areas of hospitals for specialized treatment, sending kids with cancer to camp, recovery programs for burn victims, outpatient therapy for abused and neglected children, programs related to fighting eating disorders, and costs of providing onsite facilities at hospitals providing specialized care for children.
This is the category where the foundation places qualifying projects that do not fit into the other categories. The foundation continues to support community outreach programs, shelters for the homeless, shelters for abused women and children, veteran related projects, services to seniors, purchase of vans for various transportation needs and transitional living programs.
Many projects fit this broad category. The foundation has sent disabled kids to camp; made playgrounds handicapped accessible and friendly; purchased specialized equipment for licensed care facilities for the disabled and mentally challenged; contributed toward the training of dogs for the visually impaired and restricted mobility seniors/adults/youth; assisted with purchase of equipment to be used by or for the disabled (wheelchairs, ramps, shower facilities); publication of new books and distribution of Braille textbooks; underwrote sport recreation meets for the disabled; assisted with the costs of providing media services for the blind; and contributed to the costs of providing multiple services to the hearing impaired.